Why do so many people have a problem with Hillary Clinton?

Is it because of who she’s married to?

It is coming down to the wire for who the Democratic Party’s Presidential nominee will be for this year’s presidential election: current United States Senator of Vermont Bernie Sanders, or former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

At first, it seemed to be the general opinion that Sanders was a nobody, and that Clinton had this presidential race in the bag due to her popularity. However these past couple months have proven that that is not the case.

Many people including activists, celebrities, and other politicians have come out and spoken against Clinton, saying that the damage she has done in the past, along with the many scandals she has been involved in and the apparent lies that she has told do not make her a viable candidate for this upcoming election.

After some consideration and analysis over many of the accusations placed against Clinton, I have come to the question: Why is there so much hate to begin with?

Let’s start with the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Lewinsky, a White House intern during Bill Clinton’s presidency, performed an indecent act on him in the Oval Office. Clinton, after being cheating on by her husband in their own home, decided to stay with her husband for her own reasons. To this day, many people judge Clinton for her decision to stay with her husband after his affair, calling her weak and saying it was only for her future political career. But how do any of us spectators really know that? Regardless of them being politicians and everyone knowing who they are, their relationship is their relationship. Clinton has her own reasons as to why she stayed with her husband, and frankly, that is no one’s business but theirs.

Clinton’s support of her husband’s 1994 Crime Bill has also caused much controversy. The 1994 Crime Bill had the good intention of taking crime off the street; however, no bills always go as planned. The 1994 Crime Bill ended up resulting in the separation of many Black families, with many people thinking that it was almost intentional. Clinton, who was the First Lady of the United States at the time, supported the Crime Bill, and calling the people who it was aimed at “Super Predators”.

Naturally, First Ladies tend to support their husbands with their presidential endeavors, whether they turned out good or not. Why is it that Hillary is being so vilified for supporting hers? When it comes to her “Super Predators” comment, are people mad at what she said, or rather who said it? During that time, there were groups of kids going around and robbing people, and committing heinous crimes. Not to mention that Bernie Sanders also supported and voted for this bill, yet no one seems to point that out.

Lastly, many people have called Hillary Clinton a liar due to her changing views over the years, most notably with her stances on marriage between the same sex and the Iraq War. At first, Clinton was for the Iraq War, admitting so many times; however, what people do not talk about is the time in between her changing views. It came out that Clinton was actually presented false information by the Bush administration, which lead her to justify the Iraq War. When Clinton was presented the correct information, she retracted her support for the war.

Also, over time Clinton changed her mind on her views of marriage between the same sex. I think that people tend to forget that even though she is a politician, she is also a person. With time, people evolve and change their minds. You cannot say that you believe every idea you believed five years ago. This is because you have been presented with new information, and have experienced life more, and grown as a person, so what you think may change, so why should we fault her for the same thing?

There are many other issues that people have that I have not mentioned in this article – but just think about the ones that I have.

At the end of the day, I know that Clinton may have some wrongs, but we must remember that no politician is perfect.

We also have to remember that politicians are also people just like you and me.

So the next time you criticize Clinton, or any other politician, try to not just look at the surface, but rather investigate a little deeper into your reasoning.