Everything you’ll only appreciate if you were a theater kid

If being a show kid is wrong, then I don’t want to be right

High school, ye old glory days. We all were a part of different extracurriculars whether we thought they’d get us into a good college (NHS and CSC lol) or because we actually used to be slightly athletic/talented… who would’ve thought. But there was a certain group of individuals that stood above the rest of the crop: the show kids. Some of us were destined for Broadway and some of us just wanted something to do after school. But either way if you were a part of the musicals and plays you’ll know what I’m talking about.

You have an appreciation for heinous hand-me-down clothes otherwise known as a costume

The saddest part may be that someone wore these clothes at one point or another… like actively chose to buy them.

And boy or girl, you used more cheap makeup than any human should ever experience

Ever had nightmares about bronzer and blush? No? Just me?

Waiting for the cast list gave you enough anxiety that you’ve probably lost years off your life

Maybe, just maybe, this year you actually nailed the audition and they saw past your trembling body and inability to hit literally any of the high notes.

You could just lay low and ride the wave of being in the Ensemble

You’re just here for the t-shirt and snacks during rehearsal anyway.

Or you may have been one of the lucky few who peaked at the ripe old age of 19 as the lead

“Yea I was the lead in my high school play,” says grandfather to his grandchildren for the umpteenth time.

The only thing cooler than being in the Playbill was little kids asking for your autograph

See mom! People do like me!

The audience will never know that you were talking about absolutely nonsense when you were just in the background of a scene

There’s never a better time to catch up on gossip or just say the most ridiculous words over and over trying to get your friend to break character.

You literally always had the songs stuck in your head during class


And you quoted lines from the show at an embarrassing rate

It doesn’t really matter that they weren’t your lines (considering you had none). If all the understudies and about 15 other people get sick, you’ll be ready.

You know how important it is to ee-nun-cee-ate

Ev-er-y word mat-ters.

Naturally, drama kids have the best (and the most) drama

And show incest was the best kind of drama.

Finals week is nothing in comparison to the hell that was Tech week

Because how many times can you run through the same scene before it’s “ready.”

You weren’t just a cast, you were a family

At the end of the day you all created something great together and no one will ever understand the weird, obnoxious bond you all have.

And no one can throw an afterparty like the show kids

Work hard play hard bitchez.