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Stone Roses is closed until February

The stone closes?!

Stone Roses has announced they will be temporarily closing until February.

Rumours have been circulating for little over a week and on Monday afternoon Stone Roses confirmed their temporary closure via Facebook. The post read: "Little bit of bad news. We won't open until Feb. We'll keep you updated on here. Sorry. ONE LOVE."

Their latest Facebook post came just under a week after they seemed to dispel the rumours about their closure, saying they would be "open as normal" on 16th January 2019.

Image may contain: Page, Menu, Text

Stones has long been a popular student haunt and its presence will be sorely missed, even if it is just temporary. It is, after all, home to the infamous Blue Shit and indie/rock music that can be found in few other places in our area.

Image may contain: Photo, Photography, Portrait, Apparel, Clothing, Monitor, Display, Screen, Electronics, Club, Night Life, Face, Bar Counter, Pub, Person, Human

How else will these two occupy themselves?!

Stone Roses has been contacted for comment.

Featured image credit: Adam Bruderer