We want to hear your experience of mental health issues since you started at York

Tell us your story

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For the second year in a row, York has performed poorly in our annual Mental Health Rankings.

The latest data, released last week, ranks us worst in the country for satisfaction with mental health services and came last out of all the Russell Group in the overall ranking.

This continues on from last year when our university also performed poorly, but you don't need us to tell you the situation regarding mental health at York. You live it every day.

In September 2016, The University of York announced an extra £500,000 for mental health support, clearly this has not solved the problem.

We are not discrediting the amazing work of the people who run for Open Door, volunteer for Nightline, or work in other areas of our university's mental health services.

But this doesn't mean that more can't be done.

In February, we will be listening to students who have struggled with mental health problems whilst at the University of York and hear about why our ranking is so low. We want to take these stories to university management and ask them directly what they are going to do about it.

We want to invite you to share your story of mental health whilst at York. So others can learn they're not the only ones suffering.

Whether you want to discuss your experience of university mental health services, or how you have dealt with or are dealing with your own mental health issues. We want to hear your story.

It would be great to put as many names and faces to accounts, in order to show how normal mental health issues can be, but it's more than okay if you wish to share anonymously.

Please email us at: [email protected]