Here’s everything that happened when Jeremy Corbyn came to York yesterday

The Labour leader was met warmly in St Helens Square yesterday afternoon

Jeremy Corbyn was in York yesterday as part of his General Election campaign. He was accompanied by the MP for York Central, Rachel Maskell, who was first elected in 2015. Maskell was campaigning for her re-election and in her speech spoke about the importance of mental health and wellbeing.

Corbyn spoke about many things in his speech, which lasted approximately 20 minutes, including educational reform and the need for jobs to stay in York. He also pleaded for young people to register to vote before the deadline of the 22nd May. His Labour manifesto was leaked later on.

Labour placards read “for the many”

A large crowd turned up in St Helen’s Square to watch Mr Corbyn as shown in various pictures that circulated in the media. This was in contrast to Theresa May who had been in York on Tuesday and spoke to only a handful of Tory activists at the Barbican. Mr Corbyn highlighted that this was 35th speech addressed to the public since campaigning began and that his rallies would always be in the open for anyone to attend.

Corbyn held up the speaker when Rachel Maskell’s microphone was not working

You can register to vote here.

Pictures courtesy of Will Palmer.