York crowned top of British University Drinking League

Something else for the CV

A new survey has put the University of York in the top spot of its University Drinking League for 2015.

Apparently we drink an average of 19.73 units of alcohol a week – compared to a meagre 5.98 at University of Glamorgan. Shameful.

the majority of these units were consumed at Dusk

We managed to displace Queen’s University Belfast, who were the last winners in 2012 – whose students downed 27.3 units per week.

The University of Sussex came in a close second with 18.2 units, followed by Aberystwyth with 16.9. Glasgow and Portsmouth came close after, making the top 5.

VKs are kewl

The recommended amount is no more than 14 units per week for women, and 21 per week for men – so, really, we’re not doing too badly.

We will, contrary to how we feel, survive through university, and emerge well-rounded and alcohol-dependent individuals.

Lancaster scored a poor 13.32 units a week. We may not win the Roses, but we have hardier livers.

So, yeah. Give yourself a great big pat on the back and have a celebratory drink.
