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Sign up now to write for the student news site with over a million readers every month

Since The Tab stirred up Cambridge in 2009, our mischievous student paper  has spread around the country faster than freshers flu.

We’re bigger and better now, with websites at 35 universities across the country, and over a million monthly unique readers.

But some things haven’t changed: we still bring students all the news and views they care about, in a style they want to read.

Our teams of student reporters are backed up by eight editors at our London headquarters, who turn their ideas into viral sensations. We are here to teach you everything from the basics to how to hack a phone (joke).

And Tab journalists get unrivalled access to work experience and paid opportunities at the biggest media companies around. Places like the Sun, Buzzfeed and the London Evening Standard.

Do you want a career in journalism? Or perhaps you’d just like to make a name for yourself on campus? Don’t miss out, join our team today.

Email [email protected] or fill out this form.