Apparently someone pooed in a Maths pidgeon hole

An email sent out called it an ‘unwanted item’


Rumours are flying that a student left a turd in one of the Maths department pidgeon holes today.

A student received this email at 11:44pm:

It stated that “an unwanted item was anonymously placed in a student’s pigeon hole”, the incident was described as “pathetic” and “totally unacceptable”.

The email requested that anyone with further information step forward.

Instant thoughts went to the worst type of unexpected, unpleasant gift – of the turd variety.

Why a student would resort to these measures remains to be seen, it appears to be a very extreme form of exam stress or a direct attack on a fellow student. Perhaps it was revenge for copying in an exam, or maybe it was a sine that Maths really is shit. (Pun was intended).

As usual there was speculation on YikYak:



After all this confusion, people are coming to the conclusion that something smells of bullshit.