Meet the semi-accurate celeb lookalikes on campus

Bieber writes for us


All nighters in the library making you think you saw Kate Middleton in Costcutter? Russell Brand in the Piazza? David Cameron watching Aston Villa vs. West Ham on his laptop in the library? We tracked down some of the most creepily accurate celebrity lookalikes we could find.

Thomas Flioche – Justin Timberlake

“Omg it’s that guy who looks like Justin Timberlake.” These whispers are something Thomas cannot seem to escape recently.

The majority of campus know Thomas through the Best Snapchat Warwick page. And it seems that he is enjoying the fame that comes hand in hand with being a Snapchat Star. When asked whether people tell him a lot that he looks like JT, he responded with “yes.”

Rebecca Claudia Zijderveld- Drew Barrymore

This has to be one of the most accurate lookalikes spotted on campus. You’d be a fool to disagree.

Rebecca, a second year Management student said: “I’m happy to be compared with her.”

Shani Taggart – Lea Michelle

Shani said she is sometimes compared to Glee star, Lea Michelle.

And the first  year law student said: “I personally can’t see the resemblance, but don’t stop believin’ I guess.”

Ismail Alami – Oscar

Ismail’s lookalike is Chelsea footballer, Oscar. And it seems that he is quite well known on campus for this comparison.

The Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering student said: “I don’t really care but people call me Oscar when they don’t know my name.”

Alick McCallum – Justin Bieber

“When dressed correctly I look very much like Justin Bieber… or so I’ve been told.”

Henry Jackson- Robert Pattinson

It would be a dream to see the Twilight star on campus, and the next best thing to making this dream come true is definitely Henry.

The second year student said: “When I was at school I would always hear people saying ‘look, it’s Robert Pattinson’. Now I just get the occasional person telling me I look like him.”

Prokopis Constantinou – Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones

Masters student Prokopis said: “When I talked with Khal Drogo he told me that when people see him in the streets, they tell him that he looks like Prokopis…”

Rajan Bains – Bradley Cooper

The second year English and French student said: “It’s all in the jawline. We are one and the same.”