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Come Dine With Me is looking for couples in Bristol

You and your partner could win a grand

Everyone loves Come Dine With Me. It's the perfect show to watch whilst suffering a hangover on a depressing morning, and the arguments and drama that come with it make it even better.

So, great news everyone: Come Dine With Me is looking for couples in Bristol for the show. And even if you're not great at cooking and manage to fuck it up, you can always secretly order in a Grecian.

There will be three competing couples from Bristol, and filming will take place in early July, so get your applications in. And maybe try tidying up your flat first, as having the other contestants snoop round your shitty student house might be a lil embarrassing.

So whether you're actually interested in cooking and fancy competing, or simply wanna feature on TV n maybe get some money out of it, visit the Channel 4 site to get information on applying.