Freshers’ regrets: Nottingham Trent style

You confessed your biggest mistakes from last month

It’s been a little over a month since the annual university party week came to a close, so we went out to learn the juiciest regrets people had from their first few days in the great city of Nottingham.


”I burnt through £430 in about three days, it was unreal.”

That’s what uni’s all about I guess.

Nope, his student loan hadn’t come though yet


”Definitely when I face-planted down the stairs on the first night.”

I wouldn’t hesitate to say you’re not the not only one to accomplish such a feat.

Hope you enjoyed the trip


” I threw up all over the kitchen table after only having a couple of drinks. Why did it have to be at the place where we eat?!”

His flatmates later told me it lessened their opinion of him significantly. Absolutely brutal stuff

It got a little heated in this Gill Street South corridor


”Deep down, I realised how trashy I truly was.”

Wow. An existential crisis wasn’t on the agenda.

The bins provide a practical visual aide here


”I seshed too hard in the first few days and ended up passing out. I never really recovered after that.”

Fair enough. Sounds like a bog-standard night out to me.

Freshers’ is a surefire way of testing you’re alcohol tolerance. Just ask Olly.


”I have absolutely no Freshers’ regrets. Nothing. Not a single one”.

Suspicious to say the least.

It can’t be that bad, can it? Can it?

Unknown Female

”Let’s say this. Whatever you do, don’t hook up with someone in your flat.”

Details were sketchy on this one, but the message seemed clear enough

She fled the scene, refusing to reveal her identity

Alice and Milly

This one’s a corker.

”We decided to have a competition on one of the nights to see how many lads we could get with in a club. Our final total was 21, with Alice getting 11 and myself getting 10.”

Good Lord. I needed a sit down after that.

They requested their identities remain a secret. We obliged.