Greedy Gorman gets generous buying us all a drink for last night of term

He’s putting money behind the SU bar

Ex Chancellor, Naughty Neil Gorman, has decided to give something back by putting £15k behind the City SU bar for the last night of term.

Generous Gorman released a statement yesterday saying he hopes students accept his peace offering in the form of a drink after many were angry at his salary.

His charitable decision comes just weeks after it was revealed that he was the highest paid university chancellor in 2014– earning a hefty £623,000.

The money will be reserved for the last Climax event of the year and you can get your well earned VK or jager bomb by collecting a drinks voucher from the SU box office.

Third year Richard Jones is shocked by the giving and hopes the cheeky ex chancellor joins us all for a drink at the end of the year.

He said: “It’s about time something was given back to us, the students. That amount of money is probably just the change he has in his pocket.

“It would be nice if he actually came and drank the drinks with us.”


Before you drop him an email saying thank you, check your calendar…