What do guys really think of your outfit choice?

We wouldn’t let them dress her

As a general rule of thumb, guys just don’t get women’s fashion. Opinions are voiced without a second thought on whether they will offend and questions like ‘what the hell is that on your head?’ go unasked and unanswered…

Enter ‘The Panel’. Timo, a third year broadcast journalism student, and Ben, a third year business managing and marketing student. A brave duo prepared to let the world of women know what they really think about their outfit choice.

Total Quirks 

Timo: Not a massive fan of the bum bag. I don’t know why it’s there. She looks nice it’s just not really to my taste.

Ben: Agreed. I like the skirt though… if it’s a skirt. I don’t know. I don’t know why I’m doing this.

The Blogger 

Ben: I like the hat.

Timo: Me too. It’s also a strong jacket.

Ben: She’s very independent coffee shoppy.

Timo: I totally agree. She definitely has a blog. I feel like she’s also really good at drawing.

Glamour girl 

Timo: Hot.

Ben: Yeah that’s hot.

Casual Vintage 

Timo: I really like her hair, is that part of the outfit? Can I say that?

Ben: The denim is cool. I don’t really dislike anything here, quite a cutesy look.

‘Just chilling in my leggins’ kind of girl

Ben: This sounds really weird but I feel like she needs to put on a coat. I feel cold looking at her. The leggings aren’t my thing. They look a bit like when your TV used to just die.

Timo: Ben nailed it. Not sure about the leggings, got a lot of time for the turtle neck though. This girl has clearly been forced to stand outside in the cold and I commend her for that. I just don’t like those leggings.

With huge thanks to our wonderful model Hannah Drake and panel of brave boys Timo Burbidge and Ben Wombwell.