How to survive the Super Bowl celebrations at East Slope

American tradition meets British drinking culture

This Sunday, the New England Patriots face the Atlanta Falcons in the most hotly anticipated sporting event of the year.

As part of a great new British tradition, East Slope will be hosting the campus celebrations, where students will gather to watch a sport they know nothing about and drinking until the early hours.

The action kicks off at 11pm and will go on until around 6am, so brace yourself for a long night. Here is our guide to surviving the night.

Get there early and set up shop

The Super Bowl is one of East Slope’s busiest events  so if you want any chance of finding the seat you’ll need to get there before the event starts. You don’t want to be stuck standing for hours watching.

Sunday Funday will be taking place as usual with an American theme, so get down there to get yourself in the mood.

Getting there early also means you can get a few drinks down you quickly before the bar becomes an unbearable sweat pit. And trust us, it will.

Pick a side, duh

If you want to get involved with the game, it would be a good idea to choose which team you’ll cheer on. After all, no one likes the guy who cheers at any action.

The Patriots will be wearing white while the Falcons will be in their traditional red. Get the face paint out or wear the appropriate colored clothing so you can feel part of the event, even if you don’t know a thing about either team.

The underdogs on the night will be the Falcons, which means rooting for them might add a little more drama to your night.

Put a bet on, it always makes things interesting

Who doesn’t love risking a bit of cash at a sport they know very little about? If you have some money at stake, that final result will become more important to you.

The Patriots are currently down at 7/10 (£10 will return £17) while the Falcons are at 15/11 (£10 will return £23.64).

If your bet comes off, buy the person to your right a shot of tequila.

Dont be “that” sports guy

I don’t know about you, but it’s cringy to hear people talk about the Premier League when they couldn’t tell a corner flag from the linesman. A lot of Americans will be there and they will know the NFL better than you. If you’re clued up then pundit away if not, its not worth getting into a argument over it.

Pre drink wisely and don’t peak too early

This a long night and the bar will be packed for most of it. Have a few drinks beforehand to get yourself started and riled up for the football, then once in there drink at a sensible pace to avoid giving the newly decorated bar a fresh coat of your own paint.

There will be a selection of American themed cocktails and drinks on offer all night. We know that you’re going to try all those so don’t throw them all back up at the barman. Get sufficiently drunk and enjoy the festivities. We recommend drinking water throughout the night so you don’t feel grotty.

Be prepared for uni the next day… Or not

It will be a late one so either make sure you’re prepared to roll straight out of bed for your 9am lecture, or write the day off.

Other options include heading straight back to the scene of the crime for hair of the dog or spending the day crying in the shower because you poured your drink down that hotty at the bar. Either way, plan your next day carefully.

If it is your first time, get into the spirit

If you’ve never watched American Football before – and let’s face it, most of us haven’t – appreciate it as a new experience even if you can’t understand why the game stops every 10 seconds.

The atmosphere in the bar is amazing, so let yourself go for the night and turn into that cheering fan you always hated.