Stop telling me I’m posh because I live in Northfield
The Queen won’t be popping round for tea any time soon.
Northfield is infamous on the Sussex campus for being the ‘posh’ halls and as it’s filled with students living away from their Home Counties mansions for the first time you can understand why. It’s true that we don’t have to fight off eleven other people for our morning shower and we can socialise around a kitchen table in a way that Park Village residents can only dream of, but seriously guys, it’s not that posh.
The kitchens are always a mess
The maid service is terrible. She comes once a week and doesn’t even do the washing up.
We don’t all shop at Waitrose
Northfield actually runs rife with Tesco and Asda delivery vans. I’ve actually only seen one Waitrose delivery in nearly three weeks, and everyone knows that shopping at Waitrose is the key to being posh.
When we do shop at Waitrose, we only buy the essential range
We are students on budgets after all.
Single beds
Who else can’t wait to do the double bed starfish at Christmas?
Some people don’t own MacBooks
Other laptop brands do exist!
There aren’t Dyson hoovers
There’s a Henry. It’s like 1985 all over again.
No elevators
There’s always a lift in posh houses. Large amounts of alcohol combined with large amount of stairs is a serious issue.
There are no chauffeurs
We’re expected to actually walk ourselves down to our lectures. That’s a ten minute walk. At least. You would have expected that we would be provided with drivers to take us there.