Every type of person you will see at Skint

East Slope becomes a zoo on Tuesdays

We’ve all been to Skint at some point, and love it or hate it, you’ve got to admit it’s pretty damn cheap. As a result, it’s full of completely wasted students, and here is everyone you will ever meet at an East Slope Skint.

The one that has had a few too many double vodka cranberries

The have peaked far too early, it’s their tenth vodka cranberry and there’s no stopping them now. Security have already started watching them and it’s only half ten. On the way to the dance floor, those stairs have become really rather tricky and after what they thought was quite a graceful dip and slide, they find themselves on the floor surrounded by angry cranberry covered bystanders.

The aggy one

They have been in the queue for “hours”. So long that they’ve sobered up – oh the horror. Drunkards keep pushing in front of them and the arms are now firmly crossed. They might even get wound up enough to tut.

The regulars

Sat in the corner are the regulars. They know the drill, £3 pints, £2.70 doubles and they’re keeping in their little group, for now. They have their game-plan sorted, always buying as many drinks as they can carry at the bar, and you can be sure they got there early to get themselves a table. Wavy but not wasted, they know not to peak too early, but when the dance floor is well established prepare for a takeover by this lot.

The newbie

The newbie is the easiest to spot, staring in wonder at literally everything. “Oh it’s busy isn’t it!” yes what a surprise. Despite hating it for the first hour you’ll find them on the dance floor at midnight struggling to bob their head to the music.

The one who always buys you a drink

He bought your friend a drink last week and has been working his way around the bar. You sit there praying he doesn’t choose you as this week.

The one you never see out ever

You know they live in your halls and only come out to grab food from the fridge but apart from that, they are a ghost. You are surprised to see them standing awkwardly outside failing to get involved in conversation because, well, what do you say to them? Will be hammered and going by 10pm, will claim they stayed out till 4am.

The one who only came for Hatch food

They said they wanted to come for the food but go to Skint at 10 forgetting that the Hatch isn’t open til 11. One drink couldn’t hurt, right? Before they know it, they’re slaughtered and the moment they set foot on the dance floor they’re in for the long haul.

The one from your seminar you’re best friends with for one night

You made awkward eye contact with them across the seminar room once, or maybe a wonky smile as you passed them in Co-op, but now you can’t remember what number drink you’re on, or remember that you’ve never spoken to this equally drunken mess. Before the night is out you’ve planned the Pryzm pre-drinks, introduced them to all of your friends and decided to live together next year. When you leave skint you promise to message each other in the morning, and when you inevitably don’t talk ever again the seminars feel even more awkward.

The one who literally cannot hold a drink

They always end up stood next to you and as soon as alcohol touches their lips they become incapable of keeping their drink in their glass. To start with, it’s little splashes here and there building up to proper chucking their drinks around as they try to tell the same story they told you 10 minutes ago. You’ve just got to pray they drink vodka lemonades or say goodbye to your nice white shirt.

The one who knows everyone in East Slope

Similar to the regular Skint goers but more of a socialite and definitely a BNOC. You’ve probably met them a few times yourself, and they give you a nod or a wave as they walk past you to greet more people, like some sort of wavy mingling celebrity.