You can now buy mini bottles of Buckfast
People wanted them for wedding favours
Buckfast Tonic Wine is now for sale in mini 5cls as part of a limited edition trial.
9000 tiny bottles of wreck the hoose juice were up for grabs from yesterday after suppliers were mobbed by demands from keen collectors and people looking for gifts.
The miniatures will cost around £2 depending on retailers.
Buckfast sales director Stewart Wilson told The Tab: “We were inundated with requests from collectors and people wanting them for wedding favours or celebrating birthdays.
“It’s a limited edition at the moment, but the response we’ve had is very encouraging and if that continues it will be something we want add permanently to our line.”
He added: “They will be available at cash and carries mostly and we’ve also had interest from online miniature companies where they will be on sale.
“We’re very excited to bring this new product onto the market.”
Currently the Buckfast family comprises of the classic 75cl and 35cl bottles as well as a 250ml can.
The sickly-sweet, super-caffeinated 15 per cent alcohol tonic wine has been made by Benedictine Monks at Buckfast Abbey for almost 100 years.
Biomed Science fourth year and loose cannon Habbi Liton told The Tab: “5cl for £2 is a bump for the skite like. I’d be tanning a 70cl no bother and don’t try to stop me.
Reminded the miniatures were for gifts and not the skite Habbi said: “They could work as halls-warming presents actually, get freshers on the Bucky from day one. Yaas.”
Sales of the tonic wine were reportedly more than 21 million worldwide last year.