Vote for St Andrews’ most eligible bachelor 2020: the final

Who will take the crown?

bachelor eligible st Andrews

After some fierce competition and 1615 votes, your finalists have been chosen. So, your choices for St Andrews most eligible bachelor 2020 are…

Callum Weimer, third year, English and Art History

Three fun facts about Callum:

  1.  He wrote a book.
  2.  He was an extra in a movie with Nicholas Cage.
  3.  He nominated himself.

What makes them the most eligible bachelor?:

It takes a confident man to nominate himself, and confidence is key. Therefore, according to the man himself, these are the things that make him the most eligible bachelor; “He likes piña coladas AND long walks on the beach. He is not into yoga, HOWEVER, he has half a brain. He likes making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape. He’s the love that you’re looking for, write him and escape.”


Alistair Robinson, second year, Modern History

Three fun facts about Alistair:

  1. He got 0 minors on his driving test
  2. He plays the bagpipes
  3. He once consumed 8 Pablos in 4 hours

What makes him the most eligible bachelor?

He is clever and kind, an absolute rock and a total laugh. He definitely knows how to have a good time but is never a liability on a night out. He’s musical and sporty so just imagine the super talented kids you could have? He’s the full package – emotionally sensitive, physically fit and will keep you in hysterics for days. What’s better than the full package?


Ali Drabu, fourth year, International Relations

Three fun facts about Ali:

  1. He’s a Manchester boy through and through.
  2. He’s travelled around the world including the USA, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Spain, UAE, Germany, France and India.
  3. Ali has won numerous Best Dressed awards for The Tab for his appearances at St Andrews fashion show.

What makes Ali the most eligible bachelor?

If, by some freak occurrence, you don’t know Ali, he certainly knows you, or your flatmate, or that boy you drunkenly snogged in the Vic back in 2017. He is – at his heart – a proud, loud BNOC. Strolling down Market Street with him is often akin to what being around Neville Longbottom in the hours after the Battle of Hogwarts must’ve been like. Despite this though, and the fact a date with this politically stimulated 4th year must feel like an IR2006 tutorial, he is simply a Thierry Henry seeking a Robert Pires to assist him through life. Write him off at your peril.

Go ahead and get voting to crown this years winner!!