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St. Andrews Strike for Climate Action: In Pictures

Students from St. Andrews and local schools turned out to protest climate change

Yesterday, millions of students from around the globe took a stand against climate change, and many universities in the UK took part. St. Andrews students held their own 'Strike for Climate Action' protest in St. Salvators Quad, as well as holding a march down North Street.

Students from the university were also joined by students from the town's secondary schools. School students remained in Sallies Quad for the protest, whilst university students took the march off down the pavements of North Street. With slogans such as "System Change Not Climate Change", and "Climate Change Is Not a Lie, Do Not Let Our Planet Die", they made a heartfelt plea for systematic change to the way governments and corporations think about Climate Change.

A protest in St. Andrews is never going to make as much noise as those in London, Edinburgh or larger cities, however turnout was still relatively impressive, and there was a police presence at the event.

We grabbed some photos of the protest to show what went down:

Image may contain: Outdoors, Path, Flagstone, Architecture, Pedestrian, Campus, Downtown, Urban, Town, Building, City, Human, PersonImage may contain: Lawn, College, Campus, Human, Person, Plant, GrassImage may contain: People, Hair, Text, Crowd, Human, PersonImage may contain: Paper, Parade, Text, Crowd, Person, HumanImage may contain: Apparel, Clothing, Sunglasses, Accessory, Accessories, Parade, Crowd, Person, Human