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Women in Work’s EDEN: In Review

Look at those raffle prizes though

Women in Work held their first foray into holding a night at the Vic on Tuesday, hoping to draw crowds away from Ma Bells to EDEN.

The evening featured a raffle, with prizes including two Sitara tickets, a £30 tab at The Vic, and a meal at CombiniCo- not bad pickings for a relatively small event.

The theme EDEN was chosen, according to the Presidents, in order to celebrate all the women in St. Andrews in any form and in an ethereal setting, befitting considering it fell in the same week as International Women's Day. It worked in a way, the night did have Women in Work's stamp all over it, the social club and DJ area festooned with paper flowers and fake ivy to transport guests to the Garden of Eden. The decorations and the eclectic mix of DJs pulled all this together.

However, these events always run the risk of becoming just another night out, as opposed to anything special and it's hard without the established names of other events, such as Throwback Thursday, or to draw crowds without an assured turnout like sports clubs have. Try as they might, the event wasn't packed, however that was almost to be expected, particularly on a Tuesday night in Week Six, when the majority of the St. Andrean population is swamped with deadlines.

The event definitely raised the profile of Women in Work, which in many ways was almost the point, but whether or not hosting nights like this is something they'll become known for is an uncertainty. The aim of making this a staple event that people will eventually thing of as a regularity, has probably not been reached at this stage, but Women in Work is still young, and Tuesday night was certainly something to be proud of, to push them in the right direction.