St Andrews reacts to the snap election news
Theresa May announced a general election at 11AM today, we took to the winding streets of St Andrews to bring you the views of the public
In response to announcement of the snap General Election, The Tab St Andrews presents a snap article on the reactions of St Andrews students. We have interviewed a cross section of St Andrews society to get their opinion on the election announcement made today, April 18th. Theresa May announced at 11AM this morning that there would be a General Election held on June 8th to reaffirm the mandate for Brexit and Conservative leadership.
Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the opposition, has responded with a statement saying that he “welcome[s] the Prime Minister’s decision to give the British people the chance to vote for a government that will put the interests of the majority first.”
The Tab has interviewed a wide variety of nationalities and ages in this survey, which should give you an insight into the workings of the St Andrews mind. The St Andrews community has given a somewhat divided response to the breaking news with some in shock, some in fear and some in quiet elation.
Anoushka, First Year, English
“My first reaction to the news was: oh fuck, how much more damage can be done? I don’t think the country knows what it wants anymore, and that’s scares me.”
Jason, Third Year, JSA, American
“You have an unstable and divided government; the last thing you want is to let the British people act on their dissatisfaction. If the Tories lose their majority, Theresa May will be the biggest political flop of the 21st century, and that’s coming from an American.”
Harry, Second Year, English/Australian
“I guess it’s just going to be another exciting, chaotic and fast paced political summer in the U.K.”
Ben, First Year, Scottish
“I think that it is hypocritical that Theresa May has called a snap election, she has gone against her word. It will be interesting to see what the election in June brings. Theresa May is taking a large gamble with this decision – it will either make or break Brexit.”
Ali, First Year, English
“The plan for an early general election has clearly come as a shock, and I think in particular this will prove to be a huge challenge for the opposition and to Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership.”
Drew Liquerman, Second Year, William and Mary Joint Degree, American
“In the spirit of democracy I am pleased to see Theresa May call an early election to seek a government with a mandate and a clear goal of securing a clean and prosperous Brexit. I am confident the British public will reject the failing Labour Party, fear mongering Liberal Democrats and Scottish Nationalist Party and elect a strong conservative government to lead the country successfully into new markets and a globalized world.”
Blánaid Barr, First Year, Northern Irish
“Ah, I don’t really know that much about it! Today’s the final day for Northern Irish talks so I’ve kind of been following that…”
Nush, First Year, English