Local boy takes down street preacher ‘in the most Scottish way possible’

No, it’s not a Glasgow kiss…

A young St Andrews busker became a local hero in the town centre on Saturday after drowning out an aggressive street preacher with his bagpipes.

The preacher stood by the fountain on Market Street and used a microphone and amplifier to broadcast his hateful and aggressive messages, much to the annoyance of those who were trying to enjoy the last of the summer sun outside the pubs and cafes.

Customers at The Keys Bar are reported to have encouraged the boy to get the bagpipes out, and cheered as he blasted ‘Scotland the Brave’, totally overpowering the preacher’s tiny amp.

Since footage of the event was posted on YouTube and Facebook by eyewitness Lachie Blair, the young piper’s epic win has become an internet sensation. The video has had over 1.5 million views on Facebook and has been featured on The LAD Bible, Reddit and hundreds of other media sites.

Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwLaDzKFiBY