Does the pill have a downside?

Carla is calling on all men out there to stop being silly.

The pill.

It saves us from many sticky situations. It gives us peace of mind. It allows us to glide into a calm oasis of sexual endeavours (or orifices). It permits us to finally act naturally in what is supposed to be nature’s biggest act.

We are in the 21st century, and it is only natural that the Gods of science have found a more adequate way of playing, well, God. We are finally in an age where we can go back to those Swinging Sixties, just without the carnage that ensued from unprotected promiscuity – the STD’S, the surprise pregnancies (sometimes a blessing, you cannot deny), but worst of all, the threat of HIV/AIDS.

But does the pill have a downside? Is Mother Nature secretly crying out because so many of her women are denying her laws, and are literally running against the waves and the moon, seizing control of their own cycles? And worst of all, are woman feeling pressured to take all of the responsibility to protect against pregnancy? The pill gives control – but the question is, to whom?

I asked my significant other what he would do if he could take a pill that would stop his sperm from having the ability to reproduce, similar to the pill. I also asked a few other male friends – and thank god I did, because their answers were not ‘I’d probably just forget.’ Many of them said that if the pill only existed for men, and not for women, then they would. Otherwise, they would leave it to the girl.

I then asked if they wear condoms if the girl is on the pill, and was scared to discover that not many of them answered yes. I was shocked. If men expect women to change their bodies on the inside, shouldn’t men be ready to change their bodies too – even if it’s just temporary, and on the exterior?

My answer is this: It shouldn’t be about whether or not a girl is on the Pill when you are sleeping with her. In line with today’s EQUAL society – and believe me, I know we have a long way to go – it should be about EQUALITY: an equal form of compromise. Not sleeping with a girl because she isn’t on the pill is lazy; sleeping with her if she is and not doing anything yourself is careless.

I’m calling on all men out there to stop being silly, and bag your willies – no matter what your gal is on. It’s the least you can do (don’t dare disagree, or I will put on One Born Every Minute to remind you).


Image courtesy of Wikipedia Commons