Toby Harris: Don’t worry, be happy
Toby looks to Bob Marley and Peter Andre (…ahem) to bring us some Friday wisdom.
We are often too quick to say the things we dislike, that ought to be different or should not exist at all. Rarely do we pay tribute to the joys that bring light into our lives, no matter how trivial. It’s easy to focus on what you want, need or may be jealous of, but don’t let it be at the detriment of appreciating yourself as you are and the things that you do have.
It becomes all too easy to forget that our health is a blessing and not a given. To wake up with things to do, a purpose in life and the ability to accomplish designated tasks is not something everybody is lucky enough to have. How often do we spare a second thought to be in good health and surrounded by our friends and loved ones? Paying attention to the goodness around us is an enriching activity. When we open our eyes and remove ourselves, even if just for a couple of moments, from our routines, what surrounds us is truly amazing.
Only when what we have is taken away, are we forced to realise the abundance of brilliance we witness on a regular basis. We should be grateful for what easily assimilates into the basic, mundane or everyday. Only when our leg is injured are we forced to appreciate it. It is then that we realise the importance of our mobility. We should not have to wait for the moment of paralysis to be grateful for our previous state. In the words of Cicero, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”
I urge everyone that has chosen to indulge me by reading this column to look around and identify the wonderful things around them. Not in a sickening, exaggerated fashion, but we should not constitute a privilege as a right.
All too rarely do we observe and congratulate the greatness of others, the beauty of our surroundings and the privilege of our education. These factors too readily transform into the norm. We know how great our friends are, that is why we have befriended them, we know St Andrews has cobbled streets and beautiful coastlines but we begin to numb to it. It becomes too easy to forget.
Be happy to wake and be who you are. We hasten to hate, vindicate and point the finger at our displeasures but seize the opportunity to observe, appreciate and be content.
In the words of the reputable performer, song-writer and overwhelming contributor to Pop music, Peter Andre,
“Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift and that is why
We call it the present”
Life stresses will never escape us but live in the present and appreciate the now.