IT Service desk awarded ‘3 stars’

Holla at the IT guys (and gals).

If you are reading this article (perhaps more worthy of the term “blurb” than “article”), then you are using some functioning piece of technology. Let us take a moment to meditate upon it. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and feel. The smooth, soft glass screen of your iphone as you scroll down. The warm plastic computer mouse supporting the arch of your palm. The scratch of the touch pad on your index finger as you direct the little white arrow to a different article. Treat yourself to a virus scan. Revel in the power of your firewall. Now, shift your gaze to your wireless signal. Eduroam is serving you well, isn’t he? Full bars? I thought so.

What is it about the Bubble that renders all of our gadgets and gizmos utterly reliable and faultless? Well, this mystery was solved earlier in March by the wonderful detectives at the Service Desk Institute (SDI). They staged an investigation around St Andrews’ IT Service desk and discovered that it was, in fact, worthy of a three out of five star rating.

“We believe that our 3-star certification proves our commitment to offering a great service and we aim to use the programme to further aid the continuous development of our IT services,” the University of St Andrews Service Desk Manager Lorraine Brown said.

St. Andrews is the first university in the UK to receive such a score, and the second in the world. Take advantage of the infinitely wide bandwidth and send the friendly folks in the library a congratulatory E-Card.

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