Document leak: University to expand?

More students in the library?

To be, or not to be? That is the question many have been asking St Andrews University officials since the officials have been put under the spotlight after an alleged discussion document was leaked suggesting that the University could be expanding.

This leaked paper – “Strategy for the first decade of our seventh century” – apparently suggests that the University has been considering the possibility of new facilities; including a Law School, Data Science institute, Materials institute and a Cyber-Security Institute.

Despite the document being leaked however, the University’s communication director, Niall Scott, has assured students and residents alike that “we have no plans for expansion” and it is very unlikely there will be any attempts to expand in the near future.

According to Scott, “we are absolutely not planning to increase the number of students” and claims that the recent study by St Andrews University’s Centre for Housing Research is a clear indication of how seriously the University understands their impact on the area. The study suggests that although the University has brought prosperity and jobs to the area, it forces increasing pressure upon local housing.

Many will be relieved that expansion is not on the cards yet, after all the physical expansion of the University would potentially mean a further demand on student accommodation within St Andrews, intensifying the social and economic impact of the University on the town.

So although the University officials have a clear interest on pushing St Andrews into the 21st century, it seems that new facilities and expansion may still be lost in the distant future.

Photo by Kelly Saiz