Blind Date: Annie and Pete

They say that love knows no limits, and even the deadline season onslaught can’t keep us from our match-making mission. This week Annie met Pete.

We know you’ve all been waiting for it and here it is… BLIND DATE IS BACK. St. Andrews just isn’t complete without its weird and wonderfully awkward dating scene, and this year we are going recession-style and taking our would-be Lothario to his budding K-Mid’s lair in a Come Dine with MeBlind Date style mashup. Who knows where the date will take our potential lovebirds?

Oh that’s right, The Stand knows… Let’s see what happened when third year Welsh surfer Pete Jackson ventured to second year Annie Newman’s home (yes, our wonderful editor-in-chief is looking for love!) for a lunch date full of home-made food, unannounced house viewings and under-the-table footsy (I might have made the last one up.)

Annie on Pete

Who and what were you hoping for when your doorbell rang?

I’ve never been on a blind date before, so I suppose I was just excited for the surprise!

And how did you feel after you’d opened the door?

I actually didn’t… we’d had viewings in our house all day (très romantic), so a realtor let him in! But I was glad to see that Pagan and Osborne didn’t deter him!

Did he come bearing gifts?

Nope, just himself!

What did you cook?

I went Italian and had a deli smorgasbord, if you will. Bread, meat, cheese, etc. We made our own sandwiches!

Any awkward pauses or uncomfortable realisations that you had already met?

Not really. I was surprised that we hadn’t met before, but we did have some mutual friends.

What did you talk about?

Everyday stuff, that one type of St Andrean who seems to be so exotic and is from everywhere, the fact that he took maths and I am merely an arts student who cannot even comprehend taking a math class. Also our families and siblings, etc etc.

Most interesting fact you learnt about your date?

He’s Welsh, which is amazing because I honestly think he was the first Welsh person I’ve ever met in St Andrews (am I the only one who thinks this?).

Did he offer to help wash up?

We left the plates on the table as I had to run and also am very lazy, so no offer was necessary! 

Was there after lunch coffee or a rush to the door?

My horrible manners shone through when I actually had to leave to go to a meeting, I felt awful for cutting it short! But he was very courteous and definitely understood, so that was nice.

Rating out of 10 for the date:

Definitely a 7, he was really nice and we had a good conversation!

Pete on Annie

Were you nervous approaching Annie’s door? Get lost on the way?

I wasn’t particularly nervous approaching as I had been assured I would be meeting a very friendly approachable person in an easy to find location. The time of day was also a factor as there seems to be less gravity around a date during the daylight hours.

What were your first impressions?

First impressions were all good as I was welcomed graciously into the flat and greeted with a laden table — the aesthetic presentation of which was very impressive.

Now tell us what we really want to know – was the heating on?

The heating of the date was set to a steady lukewarm, which should in no way paint a negative picture of the experience, but just due to many external factors — including multiple flat viewings, and consequently intrusions — it remained a Platonic affair (I was actually asking about the central heating but this is far more exciting…)

What did you talk about?

We both were very laid back during the food so just went where the conversation took us: exploring the uncharted waters of the other’s hobbies, background, tastes etc whilst of course visiting the well-loved topic of our academic orientation.

Your date’s best quality?

The best quality was the approachable, friendly demeanour of Annie — making conversation easy and enjoyable. Oh, and the food was very nice!

Anything embarrassing lying round the house?

Given the dynamic with people visiting, we stuck to the dinner table mainly which was situated in a very presentable and non-embarrassing room. The only thing embarrassing would have been my (lack of) table manners…

Will you be knocking on Annie’s door again, or atleast saying hi to each other in Tesco?

I have subsequently seen her around and feel more than comfortable to engage in conversation so I deem it a success. (Wonderful news!)

Rating out of 10 for the date.

A solid 7 out of 10. 


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