Krispy Kremes enter the Bubble!

Revision is looming, final deadlines are rapidly approaching, and the shining sun makes the library damn hot during the spring. We do have some good news though, so turn that […]


Revision is looming, final deadlines are rapidly approaching, and the shining sun makes the library damn hot during the spring. We do have some good news though, so turn that frown upside down because a brand new study snack is on the scene. Krispy Kremes are officially coming to town!

Well, not quite “officially”. First year Economics and Management student Gabriel Ross keenly felt the lack of delicious American donuts, and has filled the void in the market. By texting a number found on his Facebook page and placing your order, Ross will deliver a dozen smokin’ hot box of 12 Krispy Kremes to your door for £15. He’ll be making deliveries every Wednesday from now until the end of exam week.

Ross got the business bug when he made the final 40 in the BBC’s Junior Apprentice TV show. He didn’t make the cut but says, “ever since then I’ve been hell-bent on proving them wrong through the succesful establishment of ventures. This is one of those wacky ventures.”

Get your glazed ring of lurve now! You can join the Facebook page to get on the band wagon, and get some of those fabulous sugary power surges. You won’t regret it.


Image courtesy of