Vulgar Vocab

Jay-Z has reportedly vowed to ditch the use of the word ‘bitch’ in future lyrics since the birth of his daughter. Aww –- wait. It shouldn’t matter whether he has […]

Jay-Z has reportedly vowed to ditch the use of the word ‘bitch’ in future lyrics since the birth of his daughter. Aww –- wait. It shouldn’t matter whether he has a daughter or not (and what about his poor mother?). It’s a word he shouldn’t have taken so lightly in the first place. I’ll admit that words like ‘skank,’ ‘slut,’ and even ‘whore’ can be thrown into this gray area people seem to think exists between acceptable and unacceptable put-downs or ‘jokes’. But when it gets to terms like ‘retard,’ ‘Mongoloid,’ ‘gay,’ ‘faggot,’ or the many vile synonyms for vagina, it’s definitely unacceptable and, frankly, ignorant and immature.

Many of you will only consider the humorous value of each word or how your friends will respond to your marvelous wit when you call someone a ‘pussy’. Some guy was being a wimp, so ‘pussy’ is the first word that comes to mind. What you are actually doing, however, is associating being a woman with being weak. You are belittling all of your sisters, mothers, daughters, partners and friends in the form of a flippant put-down. It’s dehumanizing and it’s wrong.

Most people probably don’t stop and think ‘wow, you are much cooler now that you’ve called me ‘gay’.’ So why do it? Some may argue that a few of the phrases I have mentioned above are so hackneyed that they are essentially divorced from their original, much more offensive meaning. ‘Gay’ may not always be used as a homophobic slur these days. But what would be completely unacceptable as an insult today may be a part of everyday speech in a few years. But for now, no matter what you may mean, it’s still not okay. As long as ‘faggot’ is still being used to demean the gay community, or someone with a disability (or not) is still bullied with the label ‘retard,’ then we as a society are saying that some people – women, disabled, homosexual and more – are worth less than others.

We know it’s wrong, but no one wants to be the one who spoils banter between friends. Yes, it feels awkward at first, but if you don’t buck up, then you’re just allowing this absurdity to continue. You don’t have to be self-righteous when you ask a friend to stop using the word ‘retarded.’ All it takes is a ‘hey friend, actually that’s not okay.’ A few of my friends find my persistence annoying. I do bluntly interrupt them, but I really believe if it makes them think before they speak, it doesn’t matter how irritating I am.

It’s more impressive, really, if you can say what you want or mean without using such offensive terms. I’ll think you clever for a more developed, precise vocabulary; just pick a different word.

This article has been amended. The writer did not wish to offend any readers with poor word choice as it did take away from the overall message of the article. 

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