The BNOC: Where are you?

  BNOC: rhymes with cock, looks a bit like nob if you’re dyslexic, but ironically is the modern term for describing an individual as one of the biggest lads or […]


BNOC: rhymes with cock, looks a bit like nob if you’re dyslexic, but ironically is the modern term for describing an individual as one of the biggest lads or laddettes around.

Like all popular colloquialisms, BNOC came out of nowhere and seems incongruous with the understood English language. Unfortunately for us scholars, this phrase has been accepted into mainstream communication. As The Stand is at the forefront of popular culture, we decided to stop fighting it and put the concept to the test.

Being a BNOC is a big deal, but people often assign it to themselves without any proof. What better way to find out whether you are actually the coolest kid in the smallest university in Scotland, than by subjecting yourself to a public vote? You know that friend who just knows everyone? Send us their name! Which absolute player turns a gathering into a party? Who do all the girls hate and all the boys want to date? You get our drift…let’s find the BSTANOC!*

Yes, wise and wonderful Stand readers, we want YOUR help to find The St Andrews BNOC. We don’t know where the future beholder of the prestigious BSTANOC is lurking. It could be at the sports centre or Taste; The Barron or the Picture House; Aikmans or Forties; The Adamson or Empire…of course, they might possibly be in the library.

And we don’t just want to know which nominee you consider a BNOC. We want to know why this person is a BNOC. Did they shit in their shoe? Did they have an orgy? Or are they just a really sound person? Tell us what defines this individual as the biggest name around.

Send your submissions HERE or drop us a comment below by Wednesday 14th of November.

We’ll draw up a shortlist and then, forget NUS referendums or the US presidency, you get to vote in the this year’s most important election, the BSTANOC 2012 (the prize is suitably big).

There’s only one way to separate the BNOCS from the be-not-nocs, and it’s right here.

*Biggest St Andrews Name On Campus