Rosy-cheeked men are more attractive

Pinch those dimples, boys!


University researchers have finally answered St Andrews’ male population’s most pressing question: “what has Prince Harry got that I don’t?”

The answer: a ruddy complexion, which a new study asserts is more attractive to women because it indicates a strong, healthy alpha-male.

The study, researched by Professor David Perrett of St Andrews’ Psychology department, asked women to manipulate pictures of men’s faces to make them more attractive. In each case, women changed the skin tone to make it redder. In addition to giving off the lovely “just-stepped-out-of-the-snow” aura, red cheeks are a sign of good circulation, and therefore good health, in a potential mate.

The research indicates similarity to the mating patterns of birds, as female birds often prefer mating with males with brighter beaks, though Professor Perrett stated that “this is the first study in which this has been demonstrated on humans.”

Luckily for the men of St Andrews, the winter chill should brighten up your cheeks naturally. When (if) warm weather hits however, you’re on your own.

<a href=””>Do rosy cheeks leave you aroused?</a>


Image courtesy of Niquinho