New Hall has a cunning plan: changes name to Blackadder

With 42% of the vote, current and past New Hall students have elected to change the name of their residence to Agnes Forbes Blackadder Hall (Blackadder from now on in […]


With 42% of the vote, current and past New Hall students have elected to change the name of their residence to Agnes Forbes Blackadder Hall (Blackadder from now on in The Stand).

In a contest that was fraught with controversy (not really), mysogonistic 19th century biologist, Sir Patrick Geddes came last with 7% of the vote. Other possible names were Seve Ballesteros Hall (27%), Sir David Brewster Hall (14%), and Wilhemina Barns-Graham Hall (9%).  Wilhemina Barns-Graham Hall possibly being the longest name for a hall of residence in the country. Possibly.

The Blackadders

Agnes Forbes Blackadder (1875-1964) was notable as the University of St Andrews’ first female graduate (1895). She went on to achieve great eminence through a distinguished medical career as a consultant dermatologist in London and as a radiographer in the Scottish Women’s Hospital at Royaumont, France, during the First World War.

The final series of the hit BBC comedy, Blackadder also takes place during the Great War. Coincidence? Possibly.

Senior Student,  Matt Harrison was quick to admit that, “of course, Agnes Forbes Blackadder will always remain New Hall to some. I would probably include myself here. However, St Andrews must not be a place where things take years to get off the ground. I am happy at the thought of prospective students, no longer asking with confused faces, as to why the Hall is described as ‘new’. ”

Third year, Andrew Ratomski told The Stand,  I hope the University official responsible for this admirable use of democracy is immediately appointed Professor of Cunning, ideally in the School of Art History.”

Stand writer Joe Fleming reacted less positively: “I’m upset that my suggestions (“Hall And Oates”, “Halle Berry” and “Haile Selassie”) narrowly missed the shortlist.”

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