‘Screw your courage to the sticking-place’ and then Stage Macbeth in a Castle

An interview with the director and lead actor of the upcoming performance of the Scottish play. ‘On the Rocks’ Festival is kicking off next week with an ambitious performance of […]

An interview with the director and lead actor of the upcoming performance of the Scottish play.

‘On the Rocks’ Festival is kicking off next week with an ambitious performance of Macbeth. I caught up with Director Siobhan Cannon-Brownie and lead actor Xander Forsyth in between their hectic rehearsal schedule for five minutes, and asked five questions about the infamous Scottish play.

This is the second performance of Macbeth to take place in St Andrews in the last four years. How do you feel this production is newly engaging for a student audience?

Siobhan: I think what sets this production apart is the staging, and the manner in which we’re imagining it – we’re putting up the famous Scottish play in a setting that genuinely befits its content and its theme – St Andrews Castle. It’s really exciting! It really feels like we’re bringing something fresh and exciting to it. The setting and geography itself is a part of the play.

There’s been some spectacular Shakespeare performed in St Andrews in the last few years – King Lear, Romeo and Juliet, As You Like It are all examples. It’s been an exciting time for Shakespeare lovers and theatregoers! How do you think this productions adds to the tradition?

Xander: I think what we’re introducing into the production that hasn’t been done before is a geographical staging that reflects the atmosphere of the play, and allows us to play with elemental themes; what better than to address the dark night sky directly when saying “Stars, hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires”? The performance takes on a whole new dimension.

This is certainly one of the most exciting things about the production: The performance is taking place outside. Should we bring blankets?

Siobhan: This Scottish tragedy may be besieged by Scottish weather; the weather reports suggest that we should be fine however! Blankets and cushions are a must. As this is an Historic site we can’t allow any stools or chairs to pierce the ground, so it’s all about those blankets!

Xander, Macbeth is an impressive role. How important is this performance to you?

Xander: It’s hard to relate the importance of the role to me, so much as simply express my awe at the part. There’s a psychological depth to Macbeth that has you contending with your own nature when trying to engage with it. He begins the play as a celebrated and quickly decorated soldier, yet grows to encapsulate the fraught tension between aspiration and misdeed. It’s the chance to bring to life a character with such depth, such conflict; it’s both terrifying and enthralling.

What final words would you give to encourage people to choose Macbeth?

Siobhan: We are incredibly excited to be performing this Scottish tragedy as part of the only Scottish Students Arts Festival. We hope that the unique location will be a draw, but with the Mermaids Unlimited Ticket there is no reason to choose any show over another!