Image may contain: Walking, People, Bag, Plant, Grass, Person, Human

Let’s Do It and SUSU are running a litter picking event to clean up Soton’s streets

Saving the environment is so hot right now

Let’s Do It, a company tackling environmental and social change, is organising a litter picking event in collaboration with SUSU on Monday 6th May.

Despite the 255 litter bins in the city centre alone, Southampton is still covered with packets, bottles, cans, baggy’s and just about everything else that will never biodegrade.

Imagine strolling down a Soton street that is utterly spotless and litter-free. Mmm breathe in that fresh air. Want to make that a reality? Well now you can – all you have to do is sign up and show up.

Image may contain: Park, Rural, Lawn, Land, Animal, Bird, Countryside, Yard, Grassland, Field, Outdoors, Nature, Plant, Grass

The Let’s Do It foundation began in 2008 in Estonia when 50,000 people united to clean the entire country in just five hours. This resulted in the elimination of around 10,000 tons of illegal waste.

Last September, they organised World Cleanup Day, an epic 36-hour green wave of clean-ups where 17 million people from 157 countries came out in support. All said and done, the foundation hopes for a healthier, waste free world.

For the first time ever, they are calling on all Southampton students to roll out of bed or take a Diss break this Monday, from 9 – 12 pm to help clean-up the city.

If you need any more incentive, just think: what would David Attenborough do? Head to the official event page for all the info.