Hotdog meme Southampton student speaks out about newfound fame

The sauce-y snap of man and his hotdog has gone viral

Simon Pinney shot to internet fame this weekend, after posing with his hotdog for a romantic pic. The snap has since become the subject of hundreds of memes and photoshop edits.

Simon, who is “basically as famous as Kim Kardashian now”, has been overwhelmed by the response.

The hotdog, who has asked to remain nameless, is reported to be “handling the fame surprisingly well”

There were rumours of a split, after Simon confessed that the hot dog “wasn’t the greatest I’ve ever had” This came after he criticised the unfavourable ratio of sauce to bun. However, sauces close to the duo confirm all is well.

In an exclusive interview, Simon told the Soton Tab that there were “potential” plans for some future public appearances together. He also revealed the pair are in talks with Heinz about a partnership deal.

Simon also hinted there might be a collaboration with The Big Mac on the horizon. Any updates will be found via the official twitter handle ‘@HotDogKid1’

In the meantime, Simon is using his new-found fame as a force for good. He will be taking part in a charity cycle from London to Paris in July this year. “It’s for Breast Cancer Now an absolutely fantastic charity who aim to make sure no one dies from breast cancer by 2050” Simon told us. Anyone wishing to donate to the cause can do so here