Southampton ranked 9th happiest place to work in the UK

Maybe staying here after graduation isn’t a nightmare

According to a list recently published by The Guardian, Southampton is in the top ten of UK cities for having a good work-life balance.

More than 2500 employees have taken part in the survey undertaken by OPP (OPP press release), a company providing business psychology solutions. The most important factors to be considered were how satisfied employees are with their current job and the lifestyle of the place they live and work in.

Plenty of work opportunities right at the waterside

Right after Manchester and even before Bristol, a ninth place for Southampton is pretty decent. On top of the list are Norwich, Liverpool and Birmingham. London didn’t make it onto the list, neither did our neighbours Portsmouth or Bournemouth.

The Guardian also interviewed a professional from each city, and Southampton is described as a city having  “big community spirit”, in addition to big companies as well as local independent businesses settling here. Furthermore, plenty of opportunities for volunteer work exist, according to local Crystal Mintram.

It might be worth considering to stay after finishing uni. Or, come back after a few years when missing this city.

The view from your office could look like this – on rare sunny days.