Comments of the Month #March
It has been a month of competition here at the Soton Tab as Southampton have won Varsity, tested the best curry houses in Portswood, interviewed a quiz team who have won […]
It has been a month of competition here at the Soton Tab as Southampton have won Varsity, tested the best curry houses in Portswood, interviewed a quiz team who have won £1000 pounds in 6 weeks and caused a whole city to debate which is the best nightclub in Southampton. Here are your best comments from articles in the last month!
Don’t need to be a detective to work this one out.
Tribute Acts Coming to Grad Ball
Opinions of every graduate spoken for here.
Mens Hockey Respond to Racist Email Accusations
Worse things have probably been witnessed on Clowns CCTV.
When is the Best Time to Leave a Nightclub?
Nigel Farrage trying to pull girls with his high standards.
What is the Best Nightclub in Southampton?
Everybody take a moment of silence 🙁
Hi friend, you just got pied.
Which is your favourite comment?