University Sex League Table 2013 REVEALED

Sexy, everything about us sooo sexy! (Liberty X reference for those of you who do not sing that passionately in the shower). Sexy and we know it? The Student Beans […]

Sexy, everything about us sooo sexy! (Liberty X reference for those of you who do not sing that passionately in the shower). Sexy and we know it? The Student Beans University Sex League 2013 has revealed Southampton students have come in at 36th place… with an average of 4.05 sexual partners during their time at university.

After interviewing 6653 students across the UK, this survey shows whilst we’re up from last year’s 65th place of 3.12 partners, Southampton have still been smashed by the likes of Solent University students… UHGAIN (they scored 4.29). The-only-way-is-no-sex Essex showed us how it’s not done at 97th place, whilst the University of Salford came in last with an average of 1.35.

So, who are we congratulating for first place? Roehampton University -with an average of 6.32 partners.

Student Beans’ ranked us as having an average of 4.05 sexual partners, whilst our own sex survey earlier this year placed Soton students as having 4.11 partners – pretty much spot on!

However, just going to throw it out there, my initial reaction wasn’t any sort of pain in defeat, but more –  how are people having sex with fractional bodies?! Curious! Feel free to enlighten me.

Surely the real question is: should we actually be aiming for a higher place… or quality? Last year The Tab readers argued:

Surely, the lower one is in such a table, the more civilized the students and the higher you are on this table, the less civilized you are – simple as that.

Being in the top 20 of other league tables, maybe fun just isn’t hard when you have a library card?

Stay Sexy Southampton!

What do you think of this distinctly average result?