Reasons To Scoff Your Easter Eggs

EASTER; one of those religious celebrations that the UK traditionally celebrates. The day where children’s cavities worsen and we tell them that it’s acceptable to believe that a giant bunny has […]

EASTER; one of those religious celebrations that the UK traditionally celebrates. The day where children’s cavities worsen and we tell them that it’s acceptable to believe that a giant bunny has hopped into their bedroom, laid chocolate eggs, and that it’s perfectly acceptable to eat them. 

We here at The Tab have discovered that there may be some benefit to your health for joining in this confectionary fuelled holiday, because apparently chocolate is actually good for you!

  1. It makes you happy. Just like sex, chocolate causes the brain to release endorphins – chemicals that make you feel good. Studies have shown that chocolate can help alleviate depression and reduce stress levels, helpful to anyone currently rushing to finish their dissertation.
  2. It makes you slim. Apparently, chocolate increases your metabolism  which may cancel out the calories that you’re consuming while you eat it making chocolate calorie neutral. A study undertaken at the University of California found that adults who consumed chocolate frequently had a lower BMI than those who didn’t, despite them often eating more calories and not exercising more. Makes chocolate sound like the new celery.
  3. It makes you smarter. That’s right, eating chocolate can get you a first! Dark chocolate is full of brain-boosting chemicals which improve your cognitive abilities and help the formation of new neurons, meaning you can more easily remember things.
  4. It helps you live longer. Some researchers at Harvard University studied 8,000 people and found that people who ate more chocolate lived almost a year longer than those who didn’t. Loads of studies have shown that chocolate contains antioxidants, that not only reduce your risk of cancer, but also mean you’re less likely to have heart problems. Some researchers have suggested that eating chocolate can lower your risk of heart disease by over 1/3rd!


Happy Easter!