Sims to be DISCIPLINED Following OFFENSIVE Tweet

Ellis Sims, Presidential Candidate, has been hit with disciplinary action following an offensive Tweet. Ellis broke elections rules and the Staff-Student Protocol where he threatened to fire the Chief Executive […]

Ellis Sims, Presidential Candidate, has been hit with disciplinary action following an offensive Tweet.

Ellis broke elections rules and the Staff-Student Protocol where he threatened to fire the Chief Executive of SUSU on his first day in office, if elected. Mr Sims will be referred to a disciplinary hearing where, if elected, he could be recalled before even starting the job. As it stands, Sims’ disciplinary hearing will not take place until after elections due to the timescales involved in securing a fair hearing.

SUSU’s elections committee, made up of student members of Union Council found Ellis’ tweet, which was made at 01:13 on the morning of 24th Feburary, to be against the rules and is being considered a serious breach of the Staff-Student Protocol. Ellis broke elections rule 4.6 which states that “it is prohibited to make reference to specific SUSU Staff members in campaigning.”

Union President Sam Ling said:

SUSU’s primary purpose is to work together to make a difference to the lives of our students. Staff form a key part of making this happen, and the election rules are there to ensure that no advantage can be gained by candidates making references to individuals.

The Staff Student Protocol exists to promote positive working relationships between staff and students and also to protect the employment relationship staff have with SUSU.

SUSU rules state that matters to be taken to Disciplinary Committee must wait a minimum of three working days from the day of the incident. Therefore, Ellis will be put forward in front of the committee AFTER elections. The most severe outcome of this hearing might result in Ellis’ recall from the position of President, if he is elected.

Ellis told The Tab:

On my account, a Tweet was made which was in breach of the Staff-Student protocol.  After various discussions with Sam Ling and the Elections Committee, I have now received disciplinary action. I have apologised to all of the parties involved and I hope nothing else bad will occur for the rest of the Electoral Campaign.

When voting opens, Ellis will have a note next to his name to inform voters that he has broken the rules. The note will say:

Ellis Sims (President Candidate) has broken Election Rule 4.6 by threatening to dismiss a member of SUSU staff on his first day in office, if elected. It is important that voters understand that as a result of this action Ellis is awaiting a disciplinary hearing which might recall him from the position of President, if elected. SUSU also faces serious legal consequences as a result of his actions.

This matter is being taken very seriously as the tweet poses a significant risk as SUSU could be exposed to legal action from employees, as the tweet may be proven to be defamatory. This is exacerbated by the nature of the President’s role as the line manager to the Chief Executive and Chair of Staffing subcommittee of the Trustees.

Please note: due to the nature of this article comments will be strictly moderated in line with our Comments Policy and SUSU’s Staff-Student Protocol.