INTERVIEW: VP Sports Development Candidates

With zero hour approaching, we at The Tab thought we’d give you a little extra help when it comes to deciding who YOU want your VP Sports Development  to be. There […]

With zero hour approaching, we at The Tab thought we’d give you a little extra help when it comes to deciding who YOU want your VP Sports Development  to be. There are four candidates this year, all of which have been asked a number of ‘carefully formulated’ questions – the first four of which are limited to a fifty word response. So have a look, see what you think and get voting!

Here are the candidates:


Kate ‘Wills’ Williams

Alex ‘Almo’ Mortlock








Evan “The Karate Kid” Whyte

Samuel ‘Crabb 4 Sabb’ Crabb









Why is sport important to students and the University?

Samuel Crabb (Sam):  Sport is important in many ways, firstly it allows students to represent heir uni in a wide range of ways, it’s especially popular now still on the back of the Olympics and Paralympics that we provide the opportunities. It also has the importance of keeping fit and the social side, be it playing for fun or a night out etc.

Kate Williams (Kate):  I believe that sport is essential for every student’s wellbeing and social experience. It is a chance for them to not only engage with students from different backgrounds, but it is also a great opportunity for them to maintain a healthy lifestyle even if they are participating at a recreational or competitive level.

Alex Mortlock (Alex):  I believe that sport can increase someone’s quality of life and should be available to all no matter what skill level (or if someone wants to work out alone). Sport is important because the quality of our facilities attracts new students and our achievements are how we are judged.

Evan Whyte (Evan):  Because it offers people the chance to keep fit and healthy whilst providing much needed relief from your degree. It also provides a very good opportunity to form a sense of community. At Connaught, we have a massive sporting set-up which most of Connaught engage in, even if it is just attending socials.


How do you plan to make sport inclusive and accessible for all?

Sam:  Larger promotion of the ‘free agent’ system so you’re not penalised if your society does not have enough players. Free Table Tennis for all during the weekdays.

Kate:  I will increase the number of teams and sports available for students to compete in. How? Reduce the costs applicable to participation and improve the communication links between all aspects of SUSU from media departments to JCRs to engage more students and bring back the ‘fun element’.

Alex:  Better communication and promotion will ensure the whole student body is aware of the facilities available, increasing participation. More taster sessions for beginners will allow students of all skill levels to develop. The breaking down of gender stereotyped sport and the utilisation of our international student body will increase participation.

Evan:  One of my main policies is to create a centralized equipment room. With equipment to participate this means that anyone could partake in recreational sport. I’d also look to lower the costs in Intra-mural sport by fighting for 6 month SportRec memberships. The cost of sport is too high.


Why are you best for VP Sports?

Sam:  I’ve got the experience in all areas of SUSU and sport and know how to greatly improve the communication, promotion and opportunities for all students to provide an AU that everyone cares about and strives for performance and an intramural system open for all.

Kate:  I have the capacity to organise and coordinate one of the largest AU clubs, Ladies Hockey. Through my involvement with both the AU and Intra Mural, I have a clear understanding of what needs to be developed and how. My passion and motivation will enable me to effectively achieve this.

Alex:  I am the best candidate running as I have experienced three years of intramural football, the University Boxing Squad and work for SUSU as well as sitting in on the AUC so have seen how all of the VP position interact and what changes are needed.

Evan:  I think I am the best for the role as I have experience in elite level sport and in Intra-mural. My manifesto is based upon HOW I would achieve the changes that are needed, not merely stating them. It is clear that I have a plan to implement straight away – if elected.


What do you think the problems with intramural sports this year were, and how will you ensure they are not repeated next year?

Sam:  Sport + Wellbeing looked at other universities and did not consult with our AU and students, it was also organised too late in the summer leading to delays. More Communication earlier is needed. Also some sports struggled to fill up and we need to work with the respective AU rec players to fill intramural.

Kate:  There was a lack of student-staff liaison, rendering changes to sports that didn’t suit student needs. The registration process and early deadline date put a limit on participation and removed the key intention of increasing involvement. Alongside reducing the cost to students, I believe that remodelling communication between all groups is key.

Alex:  Issues in the intramural system where the amount of cancelled games, the poor referee system and the original cut of teams. To stop such issues arising, a monthly meeting (featuring captains) would be held after initial feedback to ensure the system continues to run smoothly and problems are addressed promptly.

Evan:  The main problems were: Number of cancelled matches; Cost; Referees and communication. Simple ideas like setting a deadline for cancellations at 9am, offering 6 month memberships and copying the system at Reading to ensure referees are present (read my manifesto for more details and pressuring the university to make drainage improvements), will make significant changes.

Jesters or Sobar?

Sam:  Jesters.

Kate:  Jesters.

Alex:  Sobar, so many great memories from throughout my time here.

Evan:  SoBar, you can’t beat a £1.50 triple.

NUS: Yes or No?

Sam:  No – I was on the campaign team.

Kate:  No, unnecessary spending on affiliation fees.

Alex:  No, I like the idea of Southampton being dependant and able to make decisions for ourselves.

Evan:  NO! We have enough political problems at SUSU without joining the NUS.


Was Southampton your first choice?

Sam:  Yes obviously.

Kate:  Yes, after I got in through clearing…

Alex:  Of course.

Evan:  Yes! Of course. I was quite relieved to be coming here rather than going to Essex.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Sam:  Invisibility.

Kate:  Teleportation – so I could be sat on the top of the Empire State building, pop over to Spain for some sun and still be back in time for dinner!

Alex:   I’d love to be able to fly, the idea of free travel to relatives around the world (as well as saving lives obviously).

Evan:  I’d love to be able to fly. Would mean that going abroad would be a lot cheaper, even if it was slightly more tiring.

If there was any Sabb you’d compare yourself to, who would it be and why?

Sam:  Sasha – my ‘beard’ is just as bad when I have one.

Kate:  Sasha- we love those sweet potato fries at the Bridge!

Alex:  I would compare myself to David Gilani, he’s approachable and friendly, always with a smile on his face and seems competent at what he’s doing.

Evan:  I think I am quite different in personality to the current Sabbs. My campaign video shows that I am up for a laugh and although I take my work seriously, I am more than happy to look like an idiot. But, I would say I am probably most similar to Sasha because of the football connection.