Fire at Monte

ANOTHER fire has broken out this week in Southampton, this time at Monte Halls.

ANOTHER fire has broken out this week in Southampton, this time at Monte Halls.

Students outside their halls have reported a large fire in a hedgerow, dangerously close to Monte reception. It is currently rumoured to have started by a group of shady looking teenagers and spread throughout the bushes.

One Tab reporter who was on the scene said that the fire has now been extinguished.

Fresher, Emm Edwards told us:

My friend saw someone throw something at the bush, and it went straight up in flames… there were some teenagers hanging around earlier so it may have been them.

This is the THIRD fire in a week in student areas in Southampton. Last Friday Portswood Road was closed because a fire behind the Machine Mart whilst, most worringly, Roosters was ablaze on Saturday.