SUSSED's Past Paper Problem
Today, SUSSED’s past paper database has crashed. Students trying to access practice papers for their exams next week have been hit with a disheartening message of “There are 0 Papers […]
Today, SUSSED’s past paper database has crashed. Students trying to access practice papers for their exams next week have been hit with a disheartening message of “There are 0 Papers online”
SUSSED has its fair share of problems: whether it logs you out after 3 nanoseconds of inactivity, crashes under the weight of students “unexpectedly” checking their exam results on the day they come out or just won’t let you check your emails EVER. This embarrassing blunder is very poorly timed and will remind students of last exam period when the University very cleverly decided to turn off their IT system for a week. The long awaited Sharepoint replacement system can’t come quickly enough!
As it is a weekend, iSolutions have been unavailable for comment. The Tab will keep you posted as and when (if?) the exam paper system starts working.