50 things to do before you leave Southampton Uni

So, the year is drawing to a close, and for some of you those glorious Soton days will soon be over. But, NEVER FEAR! Here at the Tab we’ve put […]

So, the year is drawing to a close, and for some of you those glorious Soton days will soon be over. But, NEVER FEAR! Here at the Tab we’ve put together a list of essential activities to round off your time in style (and if it isn’t your final year, consider this a head start!). How many have YOU achieved?

1)    Fall asleep in Hartley Library

2)    Meet one of your professors in a city pub and think it’s a good idea to sit down for a chat

3)    Run like a maniac for a Unilink bus….and miss it

4)    Buy fancy dress from a Portswood charity shop

5)    Make friends with someone from Solent

6)    Banter about Solent

7)    Slip on or down some sort of stairwell in Sobar

8)    Get pushed home in a trolley

9)    Feed the ducks on campus

10)  Get run over by a cyclist on Lovers’ Walk

11)  Get a print screen of the time that you submitted that assignment at 15:59:59

12)  Keep supporting the local Portswood shops instead of Sainsburys because you are a boss

13)  Post at least five Facebook statuses moaning about your degree

14)  Mix with our beloved locals; go to the football match and chat with Derek or Phil or Dave, they will tell you how great Southampton used to be before the bloody students took over

15)  Have fish and chips on Bournemouth beach

16)  Join a society that you have no previous interest in and feign a great knowledge of film/Wales/French/badminton (delete as appropriate)

17)  See the Portswood Perve doing his thing

18)  Use the girls’ double toilet in Jesters

19)  Make eyes at someone over your revision in Hartley. After “library eyes”, ask them out (they are bound to say yes). Take them to Trago Lounge because student loan is just in and you are a big spender.

20)  Get chucked out of at least 1 Portswood based drinking establishment

21)  Go to Quiz & Curry at the Bridge Bar

22)  Visit the New Forest, stroke a pony, stand in some mud and get lost (in that exact order)

23)  Walk the walls of Southampton

24)  Sing karaoke at the Stags

25)  Boss the Surge request app at 4am because you are the only one listening

26)  Steal some form of road sign/traffic cone

27)  Get mildly lost and confused in Bedford Place

28)  Drink Pimms on the lawn at Highfield in summer

29)  Have a BBQ on the Common

30)  Engage in halls banter on the bus

31)  Facebook stalk a lecturer

32)  Go the Cineworld at Ocean Village because you just can’t afford The Odeon

33)  Buy a bottle of ‘wodka’ from the Polish corner shop

34)  Take a taxi to a far flung corner of Portswood as you heard a rumour of an open house party there

35)  Support a local gig venue such as Talking Heads, The Art House or The Joiners.

36)  Pour out your life story to a taxi driver

37)  Ring a fellow students’ mobile during a lecture knowing their phone is on loud

38)  Swing your t-shirt around your head to the Baywatch theme tune

39)  Use the U9 Unilink because you are so alternative

40)  Forget to change your password in time and get locked out of SUSSED

41)  Get confused by WebCat and spend hours wandering the library

42)  Order a text-a-toastie

43)  Laugh at/pose next to the gypsy wedding-style dresses displayed in the window of  ‘Brides of Southampton’

44)  Exit your halls during a fire drill in a towel or dressing gown

45)  Fail a room inspection

46)  Own a pair of ‘Jesters’ shoes

47)  Get a five pound note out of the ATM on campus

48)  Give out a fake email address in order to obtain free sweets at the bunfight

49)  Become best friends with Mr Tariq Manzil

50)  Start a conga on the dancefloor (preferably to a totally different song)