Kaos in Jesters?

Being new to The Tab, there was only one thing that my first article could possibly be about in my mind; the ever changing relationship between Southampton and Solent students. […]

Being new to The Tab, there was only one thing that my first article could possibly be about in my mind; the ever changing relationship between Southampton and Solent students.

It’s not unknown by the A-Level population that a place at The University of Southampton is somewhat of an achievement, with extremely high rankings in league tables and world-renowned research along with it’s Russell Group nobility factor; but how much of this is taken for granted by the students?

Having spent my final weeks of adolescence locked inside my room, head in books and quickly developing a serious case of writer’s cramp, preparing for the looming A-Level exams, I was rewarded with a place at the prestigious University of Southampton.

This, however, was short lived. Upon completion of my first year, it was clear that the year-long fresher’s week (and a couple of controversial changes to the ECS progression criteria) were against me, and I found myself looking at the possibility of racking up the student debt and resitting my first year.

Despite the fresher-esque banter of slating Solent students seen to have strayed a little too far down Bevois Valley from Kaos, I had a close friend from college studying at Solent at the time, and was persuaded to go down to the Technology Faculty there and explain my situation. A few days later I was sat in my first lecture at Solent, having gone straight into the second year of study on my equivalent course from Southampton.

Southampton Solent University

I’m now in my final year at Solent and loving every moment. Sure, I miss the lunchtime (ok, anytime of day past 11am) drinks in the Stags, and the Cookie Lady on the Concourse, but do I wish I had resat my first year and stayed at Southampton? Not at all. The way of life at the two institutions is completely different, as are the courses. You cannot possibly compare them to one another unless you have experienced both for yourself.

So what is this article about then?

Most of my closest friends are still at UoS and I hear jokes every day about Solent, but I don’t take them personally and I don’t see why they have to end. Maybe this is because I still feel that, at heart, that I am a Southampton Student and ever so occasionally fall into that superiority complex established in freshers during Fresher’s week. Maybe; but I also think UoS students are quite oblivious to the fact that Solent students make just as many jokes about them as they do us, but again they are made in good faith and not meant to cause insult or injury.

Alice was right to shame that chap in Sobar in her article this week; he shouldn’t have treated anybody like that let alone for such a trivial matter as where they study; but at the end of the day it is trivial.

Maybe a middle ground for students alike?

Of course it is wrong to solely point the finger at Southampton on the basis of one incident, and maybe these things are happening because Solent aren’t brave enough to take it on the chin and keep coming down to Sobar and Jesters and talk to the UoS students; how can we expect an better relationship between the campus’ if we aren’t willing to come down and show that we are willing to make the effort too?

I guess what I’m trying to say is keep the jokes coming, and we will too. Southampton is such a small place so why make it even smaller by only opening up your conversation topics to one crowd of people?

Where do we go from here?

UoS students, come down to Kaos, Wahoo or any of the other Solent nights out and get talking to us (guys – you’ll love the fashion students, girls – you’ll love the sports science students). Including the chap in Alice’s article, come down and put your stereotypes to oneside for the night!

Solent students, grow a pair and go down to Bevois Valley on one of your many days off to experience the sights, sounds (and smells) of Jesters, Clowns and Sobar and get chatting to them down there.