One of the candidates has revealed that previously he was a sex addict, having slept with 40 men, 20 women, and 1 CUSHION.

It has recently come to our attention at The Tab that one of the election candidates, Zack Young, running for Student Trustee, is not all he’s cracked out to be.

After a few tip-offs and some research, we can reveal that Zack’s original name was Liam Young, and he appeared on Big Brother a few years back. He changed his name soon after.

In an interview with NOW Magazine, Liam admitted he was a sex addict, and revealed that he has slept with 40 men, 20 women, and 1 CUSHION.

Just as importantly, Real Business exposed Liam as a “fake” in 2008, claiming he was “over adventurous with his business credentials” in the past, claiming that he ran a business with over £200,000 turnover and employing 12 people.

In Zack’s short manifesto, he says:

I have a dynamic array of life experiences.

Read into that what you will, but the real question is, is Mr Young a guy we can we trust with our votes? Surely a Trustee is supposed to be trustworthy? Alternatively, there’s every chance that he has moved on from past mistakes.

We’re contacting Mr Young and we’ll update here when we get to the bottom of this. We’ll be running a follow up piece once we get further details, as we’re sure that there are two sides to this story.


Mr Young has issued a statement to the WS that can be seen here

It seems that he has been taken out of context with his comments and changed his name to allow himself to be treated normally when he started the big adventure that is university.

We have published a follow up article, which can be found here