If Wordsworth was a gangsta rapper…

Minimise your PDFs, boil up a brew and check out this quick roundup of awesome and stupid videos.

It’s Degree Break time! I often wonder what university was like in the prehistoric preinternet world of fifteen years ago: did the students of the past sit in the library playing with yoyos and swapping flick books of people falling over? Perhaps life was somehow more satsifying? What a frightening thought. Thankfully, we now have access to the finest time wasting device ever invented and in honour of that here are three prime cuts of nutritious youtube goodness for you to savour.

First up we have a true epic – skip forward a couple of minutes and watch Manchester’s answer to Eminem get ABSOLUTELY DEMOLISHED in a rap battle by an English teacher. I know you all have pathetic attention spans and a lot of you only like rap after four triples (you’re wrong, BTW) but stick with this one, it’s magnificent- and I think I’ve finally found a hip-hop artiste I can identify with. Stand by for the second round which features the most brutal ‘Your Mum’ joke in the world:

Next, a man who has presumably just taken an overdose of blue smarties decides that he is in fact a man/aircraft hybrid so jumps off the side of a mountain. Suddenly my life seems even more boring…

Finally, in an attempt to complete the notorious cinnamon challenge this woman ends up doing a brilliant impression of an exploding steam train. LULZ all round!