University Sports Team's Socials: Anti-Social?

For those of us who languish in the mediocrity of inter-mural sport, are merely spectators, or simply have no time for it, is being in the same vicinity as a […]

For those of us who languish in the mediocrity of inter-mural sport, are merely spectators, or simply have no time for it, is being in the same vicinity as a ‘Sport’s Social’ a pleasant addition to the night? Or an incredibly tiresome one? Personally the novelty of a lubed up, urine sodden Rugby player acting as boisterous as he possibly can has worn about as thin as the ‘Spartan’ themed garments he wears. Pushing past people at the bar due to superior size, and expelling unsavory liquid from almost every orifice is not ‘Banter’ and never will be.

I have been privy to several tiresome tales told by Football players from the University 2nd Team claiming to be the next Wayne Rooney, and they have become rather cumbersome. I personally am too busy telling my own lies to girls on nights out to listen to other people’s. I’m sure they are having fun themselves but for us inferiors it’s rather dull.

So if you’re also tired of loud obnoxious chants, scantily clad lads and ‘Jesticle’ guzzling gals, raise a glass to the rest of us!