Soton Tab inspires new satirical ‘news’ website Wessex Mash
Today Facebook feeds have been full of wonder at the new satirical news website, Wessex Mash, run by an anonymous blogger within SUSU.
Today Facebook feeds have been full of awe at the new satirical news website, the Wessex Mash, run by an anonymous blogger within SUSU.
The website officially launched on December 19th with the headline, “Wessex Mash Launches, No One Gives A Shit.” The article made jovial and unsubstantiated claims, referring to Charlotte Woods, the current VP Media and Comms as a “Dumb Blonde”, and the current Wessex Scene Editor Daniel Webb as an “alcoholic sex pest”. These claims are of course, totally untrue.
The Wessex Mash is very clear about its goals: “It is the aim of the Mash to be needlessly rude about people who don’t deserve it”, and encourages anyone offended on the site to send them an email: “It will probably make us laugh and add a lot to our already inflated sense of self-importance.”
Hypocritically, the dumb blonde comment about Charlotte Woods has since been removed from the website, and the site’s founder has apologized to her.
It is currently unknown who the mystery blogger behind the website is.
The website has some other amusing headlines such as, “‘Very Boring’ Union Council Kills Eight” and “Troublemakers to ‘Burn In Hell For Their Sins’ Says NUS Leader”, referring to Aaron Porter, the current NUS President.
Since launching last November, the Soton Tab has gone from strength to strength, and proven that Southampton media is no longer owned by the Student’s Union. The Wessex Mash will likely be the first in a series of websites to follow in its wake, removing the media monopoly from the Wessex Scene.
Time will tell to see if the Wessex Mash will move past the stage of revision entertainment towards a long-lasting and trusted publication.