The Best and Worst Landlords of 2011 [SURVEY]

The coldest December since records began, a severe lack of cash from Christmas shopping/January sales, the knowledge that exams are nearly upon us, and… housing. The Tab asks a question […]

The coldest December since records began, a severe lack of cash from Christmas shopping/January sales, the knowledge that exams are nearly upon us, and… housing.

The Tab asks a question – who are the best and worst landlords/letting agencies in Southampton?

We want to know all the facts: Which Landlord repeatedly fails to get that central heating working? Who is the cheapest? How much mould do you have growing above the toilet?

All of the wonders that only seem to come with student accommodation.

Please fill in the quick survey below – feel free to praise or slate your landlord as much as you want; this is completely anonymous. After we have taken all your comments we will use the information to decide who the titles of best and worst landlords should go to.